
Solar LED Lantern

LED Based Solar Lantern

Solar electricity is expensive. The availability of solar electricity in a portable solar module is small. So, LED has become most suitable light source in portable handy solar lantern. The LED is best suited for small household lantern because of its small electricity consumption. Although LEDs are manufactured in different colours, white colour LED is most suitable for a solar lantern. As the electricity consumption rate of LEDs is quite low, the power ratings of the PV module used to charge the lantern is also low and if the peak power rating of a solar module is more than 2.5 W at 17 V it can be suitably used to charge a LED-based solar lantern. Became of low power consumption, the battery of this lantern is also smaller and of a lower rating. A 2.3 Ah 12 V at 20 oC sealed, maintenance-free dry type lead acid battery can be suitably used for LED solar lantern. More than 30 lumens per Watt 5 mm white LED is most suitable for a LED-based solar lantern.

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